No more need to subject yourself to poor or foreign people in public: myBorder’s joyFence, your personal border wall, finally offers protection – mobile and easy to handle for daily use. The product the world was waiting for!

Original title: myBorder's joyFence
Director: Michael Kranz
Script: Michael Kranz
Cinematography: Jana Lämmerer
Production: Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München (HFF) // Prof. Henning Patzner, Anna Katharina Brehm; oki films // Andreas Hörl
Cast: Agnes Kiyomi Decker, Lucy Wirth, Herman van Ulzen, Sobi Darcal, Uday Alturk, Shukry Alturk
Dialogue: English
Subtitles: German
Clearance of minors: 0 years
Licensed territory: Worldwide

Short Tiger 2019

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