The film ESTATE deals with the unspoken. A family reappraisal triggered by a letter written by the filmmaker's grandmother to her grandfather in 1963. The gaze falls on the unhealable wound in the face of death. The Film is not about betrayal per se, but about how we deal with injustice that has not been spoken, that cannot be rectified in death.

Original title: Nachlass
Cinematography: Anika Danielle Wagner
Music: Anika Danielle Wagner
Others: Editor: Anika Danielle Wagner
Production: Marie-Hélène Gutberlet, Edgar A. Langer
Dialogue: German
Clearance of minors: 6 years
FBW rating: valuable
Licensed territory: Worldwide

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(Please contact the cinema for exact screening times.)

2024-07-25 - 2024-07-31

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