As in other films of the duo, »One Hundred Steps« unfolds through a hybrid language between documentary and fiction. Here, the museum visitors transform into performers, where musical contributions act as ephemeral occupations of these loaded settings, denying a simplified binary relationship between source and extrapolation, or European and Other, and pivoting the power relations of who is doing the telling and who must listen. It is in this third territory in which Wagner & Burca's narrative is established, wherein the voices and bodies of these artists forge new imaginations around set historical narratives.

Original title: One Hundred Steps
Script: Bárbara Wagner, Benjamin de Burca, Pedro Sotero, Daniela De Lamare
Cinematography: Pedro Sotero, Joana Luz
Music: Gábor Ripli
Others: Editor: Daniela De Lamare
Production: Volte Films/ Michel Balagué
Dialogue: Different Languages
Subtitles: German
Clearance of minors: No clearance of minors yet
Licensed territory: Worldwide
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