The family is the smallest business venture there is. What if we were to view this unit solely from an economical perspective? What if the family was to start firing its members to make its operations leaner and more efficient?

Original title: Outsourcing
Script: Markus Dietrich, Hanna Reifgerst
Cinematography: Urs Zimmermann
Music: Philipp E. Kümpel
Others: Sound: Richard Zipperling, Toni Lindner, Editing: Wolfgang Bauer
Production: Maniac Film - Markus Dietrich, Hanna Reifgerst
Cast: Frank Röth, Gesa Badenhorst, Tom Siegert, Annekathrin Wittig, Shirin Kühn
Dialogue: German
Clearance of minors: 0 years
Licensed territory: Worldwide

in shortfilm program:
do whatever you like

Kurzfilmpreis der Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Stiftung 2007, dkf-Regieförderpreis 2007, Camera del Lavoro Mailand 2007

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